Wednesday 3 April 2019


I am happy to announce that six of our archers have been selected to represent our country in the NASP All Stars Championship in South Africa!
It is a true honor for some of our Archers to be selected to represent our country and we look forward to seeing this group proudly represent all of Namibia as they learn and grow on the international stage. I am personally proud of my girl, Charmine. She won three silver medals in her last competition.

Saturday 16 February 2019

Christ Sets us free!

Today in chapel, a drama team from our local Chinese church came and performed. The emphasis was that victory over sin is by faith and faith alone in Jesus Christ our Lord. The fall of man has been passed down from Adam to each of us. Sin is in us, and throughout the bible, we find that God is our deliverer. Thankfully, Jesus Christ has provided deliverance from the power of sin through the work of the cross. The performance really captivated everybody in the hall. Inspiring the mind and moving the spirit, I felt like God really strike through to the heart of what it means to be in bondage of sin and the power of Christ that sets us free.

Wednesday 6 February 2019

Leadership Camp

For this year’s leadership camp I composed a series of interactive activities and hands-on challenges that generally focused on collaborative teamwork, leadership, empathy and diversity that will develop the students' critical thinking, problem-solving skills and communication. They also got to work on group projects that allowed them to learn valuable life skills. This camp gave our students the chance to immerse themselves in nature, and get away from the gadgets and screens that often occupy them. We are really excited about our new leaders for this year.

Sunday 3 February 2019

Celebrating 14 years and 7 years of friendship!




On Saturday I was reminded of a sweet and affectionate 6 year old girl who ran up to me and gave me a big hug on my second day at Community Hope School. Well...that girl is no longer 6 but turned 14 on Saturday, still sweet, affectionate and really polite. I never thought we’d become such good friends. God has His ways of bringing people together and I am so thankful that He did. After a long journey of investing, teachings and different faith-based exposure Charmaine finally came to faith 2 years ago and her genuine faith has been a great example and encouragement to me and her peers.Through our experience, she taught me to be more patient, more loving and much more appreciative of the little things in life. She taught me the value of being there for people, to stay connected and to never take them for granted.
With her, I have these constant reminders of why I am blessed. Constant reminders that turns
(1Thessalonians 2:8) into purpose, purpose into passion, and passion into change. She is just not my student...she is family!

 (1Thessalonians 2:8...We cared so deeply that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our own lives as well...)

 That is how beloved she have become to me.










Happy Birthday-Charmaine turned 14!!!!!

Tuesday 15 January 2019

Racing towards a new Beginning...

 This is an exciting time of year for so many Children. A new school year means a new start with a new teacher, new classmates, and best of all, new school supplies. Do you remember the excitement of getting that fresh box of crayons, a new notebook, new clothes(with new shoes if you were really lucky), and a backpack in your favorite color? While back-to-school shopping may be a little stressful for parents, it’s definitely one of the highlights of the year for most boys and girls.

Sunday 15 July 2018

Keeping up with the GIRLS

 I thank God for sending me pillars of strength and wisdom in the form of my spiritual mentors throughout my teen years until now. Women who served as Jesus in the flesh to me and poured God's love into me. Who walked beside me and prayed for me and loved me in spite of my flaws. Over the years I figured that they were blessing me with their time and lives with the hope that I would learn to be a blessing and help to pull up another girl one day...

  I sat with the girls with my eyes wide open. It was one of those moments where every word spoken pierced straight into my heart. You would never know from the outside. In fact with teens, you would never know anything these days unless they let you in on the "secrets and the codes" themselves, otherwise your discussions will always go down a rabbit trail. Teens live in a world where everything is  coated and many times it's hard to be authentic. But since many of us would love to come along side them and help without pushing them away or being shut out, I took the time during my discussions with the girls to find out some of the felt needs that teenagers have and their advice on  things that teens in general wish their parents or mentors would know and understand...

 We all need someone to listen to us. To really listen and understand. 
Accept us for who we are. 
Correct us but don't condemn us.
 Be a safe place for us to share how we feel and to help us navigate how we feel.
 Someone to tell us often and regularly that we are remarkable would be nice.
Some one to believe in us especially when we are trying our best but continues to fail.
Make room for mistakes and allow us to learn from them. 
Fashion and social media just becomes more interesting then reading sometimes
 Respect our privacy. 
We'll always be open to talk to someone we have learned to trust/ always available.
We can not live up to perfection some times we need to see your flaws to relate well.
        Laughter and times just to have fun are important.
         We mainly learn by example so be a good example...always watching.
       Friends are important and they become family.
Though we may complain about it we need and want boundaries and responsibilities.
 Mom to be Mom and not try to be our peer.
Need dad's unconditional love and complements
Faith lived out daily not a faith that is only seen on Sunday.
Please don't GIVE UP on us.

It was an enlightening moment for me. I couldn't help it but to become a student immediately, pen and paper, I learned; learn the facts before you assume and understand why before you judge and teach.