Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Grade 2's class party

Today was the last day of school for all the kids. And Ms Afrikaner and I decided to throw  a class party for our grade 2s before we could send them off for the long Christmas holiday.
It was really exciting to see the expressions on their face when they walked into the class this morning. They just loved the whole decoration that we set up.
We placed out some snacks and drinks for each an everyone and we had music, to show of their dancing skills. It was a super awesome day for us all.

Yet deeply sad because we are not only going to miss them for the two months that they are gone for the holiday but the hardest thing of all is that we will not be having them in our class next year.
 And the grade 7s will not be coming back at all. So today was the last day for them at school. We said our goodbyes, and I am still deeply sad about it. But the truth is, no matter how hard it is to let go, we can never keep them to ourselves. I guess I didn't take to heart the phrase that says: "Sooner or later, there comes a time where by you have to let them go."
It's really sad.
But that would not keep me from sharing the pictures of the day.

                                                                          The greetings.

                                                                    The deco in the class
                                                       The ballroom dancing.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Campus Crusade

The Campus crusade had a social to day that was held in the Zoo part (which is situated in the city center) and it was really an amazing blessing to meet most of these ladies for the first time. We spend a great time worshiping and building new friendships.