Tuesday, 26 May 2015

What on earth is happening to our Children?

My heart cries out to the young boys and girls of this age. It cries out to the new generation that is being raised up every day.
unless we step up in raising young sisters, daughters, nieces, or cousins...brothers, nephews, and sons, any boy or girl that might ever cross our path, to become Godly women and men in this confused and conflicted culture then there won't be any much hope left of having fine young men and women in the future.

It's sad enough and growing concern that many girls are being molded, influenced, and in many cases, damaged, and lied to by a false world view. If we don't teach them the Truth, then the media, the society, and this twisted culture that is doing every thing to crush the truth, beauty, innocence, and purity, will lead them astray. Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6) I have come to learn that when we sow the seeds and we surrender them completely to God, He is faithful and can be trusted to make them grow and produce good fruits. I have always had a hard time letting them go because I wasn't sure what the future held for them and how their lives would turn out like. Would they still remember what I taught them? will they be able to stand firm on the truth in hard day? or will they be swept away and fall away?
My eyes has been opened to the sovereign hand of a Mighty God who alone is able to save and teach His own. I may not know what tomorrow hold for them, but I know the one who holds it quietly assure me: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver
 Lay a firm foundation now while you still can, give them back to God, and he will do what you are unable to do for them, insight and out of sight, the Lord is faithful to take care...don't wait for the world's media to do it for you, because all it does is steal, kill and destroy.
Never tell the Lord that they are still too young, because the day I told the Lord that in my early teens He gave me Jeremiah 1:7   I was amazed to find out that God hears us even when we grumble silently! and that He wanted to use me at such an early age.  :)

The older I get, the more I realize that the key to raising children is laying a firm foundation and praying for them every day. God can be trusted to do the rest.

Thursday, 21 May 2015

A New Season...back to school!

                                                                     Second Term...

 I like the idea of starting all new again. I like the idea of getting a second chance when ever  I miss up once or twice. I love the fact that God offers us a  clean slate every day to start all new with him with out keeping a record of our yesterday's mistakes. 
Every time I open my eyes early in the morning there are surely days that I don't feel like putting my feet on the ground at all. I have to say that there is nothing else that fully revives my soul than to hear the Holy Spirit saying to me in those moments:
" He's mercies is new every morning" Lamentation 3:3
"This is the day that the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it!" Psalm 118:24
 Well, It's a new season and the Lord has given us a new term. A fresh start both of us as teachers and our students. School started on Tuesday and all our children are back at school. The holiday was long indeed but it was good because everyone had a chance to rest, think, and unplug. And we were all able to start all new again.
The children were super excited to be back at school. There were hundreds of stories to tell. Every one wanted to tell their story at the same time! loads of hugs, sweet word of encouragement, and new resolutions resolving to work hard and change. The holiday was filled with great excitements, adventures, parties, family reunions, but also the lost of family members. Despite all the hard times they faced during the holiday, the kids are still excited to start all new again. That has been a ray of hope to me.

Looking forward...

I am really excited about this term! I am excited to see and also find out what the Lord has in plan for us in this new term. I am excited to see God at work, His hand in every step of the way and every area of our lives. I am hoping to see more change and new growth in all our children's lives. We are praying for New hearts and New mind sets that only God can give. We are praying for guidance and strength for the journey ahead of us. To learn to trust, depend, and to fully surrender our children to the Lord, knowing that what ever He has started in their lives He alone will bring it to a full completion as long as we are faithful in sowing,teaching, and serving both Him and them in all He has called us to do here.
I am honestly really excited to take up another adventure with my kids. I pray to cherish and appreciate every moment with them because once a day is gone, is gone forever. I hope to love every moment and see the Lord in both the storms and the peace.


  A poem for Africa Day by the gr. 5s


Africa, the land of wonders
Let us all unite and celebrate this day.
Every where they go, O'
May they see the sons
and the great daughters of Africa

May they see the brown Sahara
And the beauty of the green fields.
The Victoria Falls, the Great Zambezi
and the Zulu dancers.
O' Africa, the wild desert flower.
You alone are the black African pearl.
In unity, your rainbow Nations stands as one!