Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Celebrating The Light of the world.

 This was our first time celebrating the winter solstice thanks to Suzanne who saw it as an opportunity to celebrate Christ as the main Light. On this first day of winter we experienced the shortest day in the year and the longest night. But after this day the days will grow longer and the nights will grow shorter. Light will overcomes the darkness. 
This is a great reminder of  John 1:5 
"...the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.”
 and Jesus' words in John 8;12-30.
 On this day we observed a candlelight service to commemorate the triumph of light over darkness that happened through Jesus Christ. One thing I know for sure is that you can’t appreciate the light until you’ve first felt and known the darkness. Christ is like a candle that dispel the darkness.
That’s the condition behind having this Light— we are invited to walk in the light, to bear the light, and to take the light into the world. But if we choose not to follow Him, we will not have this light, this truth, this eternal life.This was a special day for me.

The Light representing Jesus himself

                                                      "You are the light of the world
                                                         You are the light of my life
                                                           Hope of the earth
                                                             My Jesus"

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Celebrating The Day Of the African Child

 The Day of the African Child has been celebrated on June 16th every year since 1991, which it was first initiated by the organization of African Unity. This day honors those who participated in the Soweto Uprising in 1976 on that day, in South Africa.
In Soweto, on June 19, 1976, about 10,000 black school children marched in a column more than half a mile long, protesting about the poor quality of their education and demanding their right to be taught in their own language. Hundreds of young children were shot. More than a hundred people were killed in the protests of the following two weeks, and more than a thousand were injured. On the 16th June the number of people who died is usually given as 176, with estimates up to 700.
The Day of the African Child commemorates those who were killed on this tragic day, and it also raises awareness of the continuing need for improvement of the education provided to African children. It is a reminder that our children matters and dark skin is not a badge of shame; but rather a glorious masterpiece, created by God. Community Hope School took the time to celebrate this day, making it clear straight away that this day was about them (the Children). We had some performances from each grade, all about the African Child. These performances ranged from poems, songs and dances.  It was really amazing to see all the children dressed up in their traditional clothes, all talking and laughing, enjoying the day’s celebrations. The children did an excellent job with all the performances! The day was indeed special.

Gr.4 Performing

Gr.5. Judd reading Eku McGred's Poem

   I am an African Child by Eku McGred

I am an African child
Born with a skin the colour of chocolate
Bright, brilliant and articulate
Strong and bold; I'm gifted
Talented enough to be the best
I am an African child

Often the target of pity
My future is not confined to charity
Give me the gift of a lifetime;
Give me a dream, a door of opportunity;
I will thrive
I am an African child

Do not hide my fault
show me my wrong
I am like any other;
Teach me to dream
And I will become
I am an African child

I am the son, daughter of the soil
Rich in texture and content
Full of potential for a better tomorrow
Teach me discipline, teach me character, teach me hard work
Teach me to think like the star within me
I am an African child

I can be extra-ordinary
call me William Kamkwamba the Inventor;
Give me a library with books
Give me a scrap yard and discarded electronics
Give me a broken bicycle;
Plus the freedom to be me
And I will build you a wind mill
I am an African child

We are the new generation
Not afraid to be us
Uniquely gifted, black and talented
Shining like the stars we are
We are the children of Africa
Making the best of us
Yes! I am an African Child

Mr.Samuel, John, and Suzanne looking amazing!

Gr.7 performing
Anderson, Caleb, and Shoun

The Grade 4s.
The Gr. 6 girls.

The Gr. 6 boys.

The gr. 1 girls.

John, Atticus, and Gibelto

Innocent, Ligh-vinny, and Rachel

The gr.4 girls


Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Do not despise these small beginnings...

His treasured possession.

God is good and he alone is worthy to be praised.
It was a great reminder how thankful I should be to God for trials and hard days. And yes, I am thankful that things doesn't always work out according to my plans, hopes, and time tables. I am thankful that there is no such a thing as instant answers to instant prayers like I sometimes hope for. Because it is truly in those hard times and waiting that we recognize our weakness and deep need for God. It’s in those hard seasons of waiting that our faith is tested and our characters refined. And one truth is proven to stand true and firm. Our God is True and Faithful. Even in those days that he seems silent.
He’s  Spirit moves in ways we do not see. He moves in ways we will never be able to explain. Yes, we might not always see him in the process but that doesn’t mean he’s not doing something. Sometimes it takes the eye of faith to see something ahead of time before the physical eye can perceive it. Sometimes we may wonder how long should one keep on sowing before the seeds could sprout. How long before the fruits and the harvest?

Well, when it comes to the kingdom of God growth can never be quickened nor forced. It’s not in our strength to make men, women, or children believe but, by the Spirit.
Victory is given by God when we humbly acknowledge our dependency on him in prayer. Lifting it all up to him, we simply declare with Jehoshaphat;
 “O our God… We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you." 
Because like him most of the time we are powerless against the mighty armies, the stone hearts and storms of life. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning and there is no joy compared to an answered prayer. A great reminder that we serve a Living God who hears our prayers and only he alone can answer No, Wait, and Yes!
It was surely and still is a great joy for me to see one of my new students' whom we have been praying for since the beginning of this year finally walk in front of the classroom and for the first time share a verse with the rest of the class that he felt God had laid upon he’s heart to share.
Well you might say: "He just shared a verse."
But to me that was a big deal! And it brought tears into my eyes because that was definitely a miracle! After 5 months of silence and no interest in God or what so ever I can finally say with confidence that God was indeed at work even in those hard days.
It was beautiful and it could only be God. No one but him can open blind eyes and place a deep hunger within us for him.
“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.”

Thursday, 2 June 2016

First Week of School!!!

We love Crazy!

A few days a go I felt nothing but exhaustion...and blue.
With so much to do and so much to put together before school starts, I felt ''disconnected'' from everything both body, mind and Spirit. I felt like I was so far from being ready for school, ready for my kids or... anything at all!
With only one day left, I sought nothing but peace. God and clarity. I kind of needed some inspiration to face the next day. The big day.The first day of school!
It felt strange. I was nervous and excited at the same time as I looked forward to seeing my kids and everyone else. I had been up for hours that morning simply because I couldn't sleep. By 7:00 a.m they began to arrive one by one and two by two's. Then suddenly two of them appeared through the door. With arms open wide, Indepensia and Josephine (my bubbliest!) came running and screaming towards me! ( I would have run for my life but I didn't know in which direction to go) But this was the wake up call I needed to know that school has just began and not to forget the long hugs, the kisses on cheeks and the exciting unending stories! There is something about all of these that makes one feel at home and at peace.
 Sure, sometimes days get blue and confusion kicks in and I have looked around here and there and that made me long for something quite different. But it's in those moments when peace came and I realized that what I truly longed for was right there in front of me and I didn't want to wish away the most precious years of life but thoroughly treasure each moment...I was where God wants me to be and that's all what truly matters.
I can't count how many times the Lord used children to teach me humility, contentment and thankfulness because I was too proud and I missed it. I truly thank God for the children of Community Hope school and for it's staff. For the way that God has been using them and continues using them to be such an amazing blessing beyond words could ever express. Every moment with them and I know I am where God wants me to be. Surely he turned my life upside down but he has given me something worth living for.
God always has a way of working everything out for the good and that is what he has been doing this first week of school. He brought in Brian, Josh,Joey, Peter and Max to be a great blessing to us as a school and things turned out to be really exciting and most encouraging  on my first day of school. And it wasn't bad at all as I thought it might be. Having Brian, Josh, Joey, Peter and Max over at our school every day has been such an amazing blessing! They led our first chapel and they served us in the most loving and generous ways by teaching and reminding us about God's truth and what it means to be a peace maker. The children really enjoyed having them all around and I believe they have made an eternal impact into their lives. I see it all as being a part of God's amazing plan and story. They served us all for the Glory of Christ.

"...Only what's done for Christ will last." C.T. Studd.

Chapel: worship with Brian, Peter and Max
Brian teaching: God calls us to be Peace Makers.

Gr.6 and 7 putting ideas together.

A lesson from the Veggie Tales.

Gr.6 back to school

playing basket ball with Max

extra tall!

the amazing shot by Angela!

Gr.1,2,3 and 6 together.