Saturday, 23 July 2016

The Logos Hope.

While hundreds flocked to the port of Walvis Bay to witness the opening of the world's biggest floating book fair that has docked into our port for a two-week visit, a team from the Logos Hope came up to Windhoek for a week and visited our school!
They led our Chapel on Wednesday morning, performed dramas and shared their testimonies.  They also took some time not only to talk but to also encourage both the grade six and seven which was really, really amazing.  :)
Logos Hope is one of the four ships that have sailed around the world to bring knowledge,help and hope since 1970. The crew consists of 400 volunteers representing 60 nationalities and it was so encouraging to see the unity and love among the group. The same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. It was a beautiful picture of the Church and Revelation 7:9.
According to Seelan Govender, managing director of the Logos Hope, They are not defined by the huge book fair, neither by their different nationalities, but by their relationship with Jesus Christ.

Which was surely evident.

The Team Sharing during our Chapel

Dance: Shoulders (For kings and country)

Freddie sharing his testimony

Different Nations but one in Christ.

A dance by African Choir
Books,books,books, and lots of BOOKS!

A life worth Living.
A great multitude from every nation, tribe, people and language!

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Grade 6 of 2016

If I had a flower for every time they made me smile and laugh I'd have a garden to walk in forever!
It is the most amazing thing ever to have people in your life who makes you smile even when they're not around. It is a gift from above!!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)














Sunday, 17 July 2016

One Day!

The past two days has been the most exciting days for me and my students. For the first time I was able to have the whole class with me at our Friday night youth group which was really fun and exciting for both of us!
On Saturday our church hosted the One Day event. This was a day where both the senior and the junior YWAP-ers could come and spend the whole day having fun in the most amazing ways. We had an awesome worship band, amazing teaching of the words, small groups, snacks, lunch, dinner, testimonies, and best of all new converts! It was amazing and inexplicable !
By God’s goodness and provision through a very good friend my kids were able to come to the event and 4 of them gave their lives to Christ that evening the best thing any teacher-mother could ever hope and pray for! It was amazing and inexpressible! (John 10; 10) The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy but He Christ Jesus came so that we may have life and have it in full and surely many came to experience this life that evening. The day was filled with the presence of Christ from the beginning to the end.  I think we have all witness the goodness of God. Surely Our God is great and greatly to be praised!
According to my students: This was the best day of their lives!! 

                                                                 YWAP Night

New Friends

Making more New friends!

Game Time

Reciting John 10;10
                                                                  One DAY

Morning session

Snack time


Friends and Lunch

Adorable smiles!

Prayer time.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Counting it as Garbage.

Our culture tells us that our belonging comes from pursuing the right people, places, and things.
The joy you can get looks broad, but its only an inch deep.
If you want to be on top of the 'food chain' you will have to fight for the world's acceptance and approval, to be conformed to the systems and traditions of this world that violate the true value and meaning of purity, decency, and anything that is meant to be good and sacred. The counterfeited joy in all of these only last for a while though, unless you drag along in vain in order to keep up.
But that's a secret kept aside as the world's shadows play hide and seek with you.

Instead of satisfying us, it betrays us, lies to us and leaves us hanging into the open to dry with out mercy.
The truth is: the more we pursued and craved anything or anyone else besides Christ himself, the more lost and thirst-tier we would be.
No wonder Moses ran from it, Jesus refused it, and Paul counted it as garbage and in giving it all up Jim Elliot gained what he cannot lose. Their eyes were fixed on something real and eternal. The great reward which is Christ himself.
The truth is, God doesn't promise us the world's greatest fortunes, but he promised to be our bread of life and the living fountain that satisfy our deepest thirst.
The question is
where do we go to quench our thirsty souls?
Is it at the fountain of fresh water?
Or would we rather choose to kneel down at the shore of salt water?