Thursday, 2 October 2014

The real Hero

I realized that sometimes we thinks one is being too Christianize if they refuse to give themselves a pat on the back and boast in their achievements, instead they load all the credits to God while they fade in the back ground as if they haven’t lifted a finger in the process. 

But the truth is: Who can be a good teacher? Unless is credited by the Lord. Who can do a good and successful work unless God qualifies her/him to do so? Who can boast in surviving a stressful day filled with kids screaming and reporting about something every second, unless God is with her/him. Who can boast to have kept them under control by their own strength?
Isaiah 45:24 The Lord is the source of my righteousness and strength.
Every step that we take, we walk by the strength of the Lord. We teach with the wisdom from above, we are weak, nothing and nobodies without Him. If we remove the Might hand of God everything will have no purpose and meaning at all but every effort we try out will result in vain.

 So who are we to steal the glory that doesn’t belong to us? Who are we to take credit of things that we have no power over on our own? Are we not just stuttering Moses who couldn’t speak without the help of the Lord? He couldn’t save and lead the Israelite without God by his side.  Are we not just like the stick that was in Moses’ hand that couldn’t do anything unless it was given the power from above to change its form and become alive and useful? 

Simply as clay in the hands of the Potter, we are all of these. We can’t rely on our own understanding or strength to take us even through an hour without trying in vain.
Just as Moses, Joshua, Gideon, David, Esther and many others were not heroes, we are Not …God IS. with this in mind we can learn where to direct our thankful hearts in every situation.
The story of Pharaoh taking up the challenge against God, and God choosing to use the very weak, full of excuses, and stuttering man was a good reminder to us of who the real God and Hero is.

Surprised Pharaohs.

Seated amongst the Pharaohs

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