Tuesday, 29 July 2014

They grow up too soon.

As I sat at my little table at the back of the classroom today and I looked out to all those 20 kids with their backs facing me, my heart swelled up with joy and peace. Honestly (though may be selfish) my wish was that they remain kids forever. I mean, who is more true to himself but a child? Who is free of worries, but them? And my favorite of them all, who forgives so easily and keeps on loving anyways but children?
I have so many great moments with these kids that I deeply treasure. But if I have to think of some right now, I would say that the greatest moments on my days with them; it is every time that I find myself on both knees, staring into their big bright eyes and all they can do is just smile at me without saying a word. When all they want is to just lean on me and watch everyone and everything from the same distance with me. To “ride horsey “on my legs.  Or have to lean against me every time I give them a pat on the head or a hug from behind. The good bye kisses on the cheek and the “hallo” warm hugs in the morning. I deeply cherish every moment they try to convince me that they love me more than the sweet cakes in the world. The moments they try to make me proud with how much they have scored in a test, by how well they are behaving, or how good they are at a certain game.
Then there are moments when I have to remind them about my ‘grey’ hair and the fact that I only have two ears and two eyes. Moments where by; one of them don’t wants to share, someone is pushing, one is screaming, and everyone is complaining about someone or something at the very same time.
 But best of all is the excitement on their faces when they hear that they are very special and how they brighten up and glow to words such as: you are so beautiful. You are awesome. You look good. It’s okay.  “That is my baby!” and many more…
It’s amazing how you can change and move a child’s life and heart just by telling and showing him/her how much you truly love her/him!
God uses them to soften our hearts of stones. He uses them to kill our pride, to rejoice over small matters, and He teaches us to see His beauty and love in everything like they do… to take one step at the time and to fully trust Him.
But when they grow up, all of these suddenly changes. It’s like there is a season to throw it all out the window. And they take on a different life, which makes them different people.
But the reality of the matter is this: everyone grows up and sooner or later they have a tendency to change.
So I have to say that today was like a wakeup call; for me to enjoy and cherish every moment with them while I still have the chance to. To hug them, kiss them, encourage them, speak truth into their lives, and build them up into the light of the word, while their hearts are still soft and tender.
Whatever the Lord sows into their lives today through us as theirs teachers and mothers, my prayer is that there will come a day when those seeds will crack open and produce meaningful fruits. And that those fruits will carry seeds with a meaningful purpose to change and train up the next generation in the same way.

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