Sunday, 7 August 2016

New Life In Christ.

It's an unending celebration when new life begins. 
Some times is hard to explain in words the joy of seeing the ones you love coming to Christ. The joy of new life, a new heart and the amazing work of God. Grace. God's grace towards fallen man that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. It is hard to comprehend but I am truly thankful. His kindness is demonstrated in such a deep away that it leaves no room for anyone to boast!
Today we witnessed the death and burial of Christ's disciples by baptism and as they rose to new lives with him. They expressed their profession of faith in Christ as Savior and Lord. And gave a true picture of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. By God's grace four of my students got baptized today which was and still is a joy beyond joy! It is a blessing to witness God's amazing work in the lives of new believers. He has everything to do with it and even though He chooses to work through us the ultimate Glory rightfully belongs to God alone and it will not be shared with anyone. So let us give Him the Glory not me or anyone else. Indeed we serve a Mighty and Living God who hears our every cry and answers prayers! Some times it may feel like He's silent or he's taking "forever" but as surely as the LORD Almighty lives, whom we serve, He's at work busy removing the hearts of stone and replacing them with new hearts and new spirits. We were witnesses of this today.

Isaiah 45:21-22
"... And there is no other God besides Me, A righteous God and a Savior; There is none except Me.Let all the world look to me for salvation! For I am God; there is no other."

Beatrice, Indepensia, Ladiwa, David, Josephine and Bibi

Baptizing Ladiwa

Ladiwa buried with Christ. (thank God for a twin Brother!)

Baptizing Josephine.

Baptizing Bibi

Baptizing Nathan

Baptizing Emily.

Baptizing Beatrice

Beatrice rise with Christ.

Being Cute!

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